Total Lubricants

Total Lubricants offers a range of products developed specifically for over 400 industrial applications. They are global leaders in lubricant R&D, the fourth biggest grease manufacturer in the world, and have more than 1,200 employees devoted to bringing you the finest industrial lubricants at a competitive price.
THE TOTAL NEVASTANE range has been developed to support food and beverage industry in their upmost safety concerns.
The challenges
- Food safety: meet HACCP best in class practices, NSF H1 products, traceability.
- Reliability and durability of the equipment: improve your production rates, despite an increase of physical and chemical constraints
- Reduced oil consumption: increase draining intervals.
- Security of supply: product availability worldwide
Our solutions
- NSF H1 solution product, allergen and GMO free certified products and ISO 21469 certified plants, Halal & Kosher certifications.
- Full range of synthetic products, PAO, PAG, Ester, outstanding performance calcium, sulfonate complex and PTFE greases.
- A global network of more than 120 affiliates and local warehouses. Technical experts in each country to support you on HACCP approach and implementation.
- TCO approach: product rationalization, proven outstanding performance of our premium products